Tag: New York Insurance Attorneys

Hurricane Sandy Temporary Housing Program Extended One More Time. Then…?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has extended the controversial hotel housing program one more time at the request of the State of New York.  Current hotel residents now have a roof over their heads until September 16, 2013. … Read More »

Hurricane Sandy Victims Reeling Over Steep Flood Insurance Rate Increases

Many Hurricane Sandy victims have yet to repair or rebuild their homes as they continue to battle their homeowners’ insurance carriers.  Now, many of these same homeowners are being given a choice: Raise your house or be subject… Read More »

Governor Cuomo Shakes Up LIPA

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed a law limiting the current operations of Long Island Power Authority and replacing the utility with Newark-based Public Service Electric & Gas. LIPA has been criticized for failing to properly prepare… Read More »

Who’s Pocketing Your Money?

As billions of dollars in Hurricane Sandy aid make their way to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the possibility of theft has become a concern.  One New York politician has proposed creating a “Sandy Tracker” to monitor… Read More »

Superstorm Sandy Task Force To Recommend Aid Targets

The Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force, a group assembled by President Obama’s administration, has spent the past several months analyzing the long-term damage of Hurricane Sandy. The task force soon will announce where it thinks $40 billion in… Read More »

New Jersey Businesses Sue Insurance Companies over Known Risks That Weren’t Covered

Two New Jersey businesses have filed lawsuits against their insurance companies for failing to provide them with adequate business owner insurance, which cost them millions of dollars in damages after Hurricane Sandy flooding. Insurers Brokers Failed to Provide… Read More »

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