Governor Cuomo Shakes Up LIPA

Governor-Cuomo-Shakes-Up-LIPA-ImageNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed a law limiting the current operations of Long Island Power Authority and replacing the utility with Newark-based Public Service Electric & Gas. LIPA has been criticized for failing to properly prepare for Superstorm Sandy, warn its customers, establish a proper emergency management system, maintain power distribution equipment and provide adequate service to tens of thousands of customers after the storm.

Governor Cuomo described the changeover as the “silver lining” after the storm. According to Newsday, Cuomo said: “The legislation that was signed into law today ends the LIPA as we know it and creates a new utility system that puts Long Island ratepayers first. LIPA has offered lackluster service for too long and after its failure to perform during Superstorm Sandy, it was clear we needed a change.”

According to the new law, PSEG will be in charge of daily operations beginning January 1, 2014, and current rates will be frozen through 2016.  Most LIPA employees are unionized through the National Grid, a trade union, and will likely keep their jobs without much change – except for how they and the company are managed.

Wasteful, Expensive & Incompetent

In a speech announcing the changeover, Cuomo called LIPA’s actions “wasteful, expensive and incompetent – a bad combination of things, especially in a utility company.”  Many homeowners are likely thinking the same thing about their insurance companies that have yet to pay out on valid claims. Homeowners who paid their costly premiums on time are right to feel aggrieved.

If your insurance company has unfairly disputed your settlement amount, improperly calculated your deductible, undervalued your claim, proposed an unfair settlement, denied your claim or engaged in bad faith insurance practices, you are not alone.  You also have options available to you.

Contact Belluck & Fox and let one of our experienced New York bad faith insurance attorneys analyze your situation, get your claim settled once and for all and determine whether you might be entitled to other compensation.